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来源:中邦咨询    关注:

At The Children's Place, we are committed to the highest standards of integrity.
We believe our business relationships must rest on a foundation of honesty,
integrity, fairness and consistency in all our practices. Compliance with all laws
and regulations applicable to our business and upholding the highest ethical
standards have always been fundamental goals of The Children's Place. To that
end, our Social Compliance Program is designed to promote compliance with
legal requirements, as well as ethical and socially responsible business practices
in every aspect of our business. Our commitment to supplying our customers
with high quality merchandise at prices that represent great value in the
marketplace requires every person associated with The Children's Place be
treated with integrity and that every product we offer is of the highest quality. As
such, we develop business relationships with carefully selected suppliers who
share our commitment to the highest standards of integrity.
The Corporate Compliance program is in place to ensure that all our suppliers
integrate our corporate compliance standards into their sourcing and
manufacturing practices.
Education and Training
We believe that education and training of both our own associates and our
suppliers are key factors in ensuring the successful implementation of our
compliance program. We strongly believe in meetings and training as essential
tools to promote understanding and compliance with our requirements.
We also believe that continued communication is a critical tool for the successful
implementation and sustainability of our program. Accordingly, we encourage
our associates and suppliers to contact us for any questions or concerns with
regard to the program.


业务范围涵盖BSCI、Sedex、WRAP、ISO系列认证、BRC、GRS等350+项目。 服务领域包括模具,电子,玩具,服装,塑料,五金,陶瓷,食品,家具,电器,鞋类,以及商贸公司等企业。中邦一贯秉承”贡献专业价值,助力客户成长”的服务理念长期致力于帮助帮助企业优化流程、提高质量、 破除贸易壁垒、赢得全球市场!

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